Sunday, April 21, 2013


Things are going really good for us lately we have been so busy. Mike had only a couple of weeks left of school and then a couple weeks after that the long awaited MCAT. I am still feeling really good. Today I had a funny thought I started to feel like the Violet character on Willy Wonka who chews the food gum and slowly starts to swell and turn purple, becoming a big, round, purple blueberry. However, my feet are the only body part turning purple (due to poor circulation and sitting in church for three hours) I am growing. Which I keep having to remind myself is a beautiful part of life. I love the fact that my body is going through changes I am truly blessed to have the amazing opportunity to create and carry one of God's children to this earth. In Sunday school today we talked about how all of our 'substance' here on earth is not ours at all but our Heavenly Father's, and we everything 'on loan' is what our teacher said. That made me think of our sweet little son and daughter on the way, and I thought I'm glad I am able to teach and nurture God's children for him here on earth. To someday return back to him in heaven.
Carter is doing really good we did have a little bit of a scare this last week. Carter had climbed up on a chair, as he does 50 times a day, and for some reason this time it had slipped and he hit his chin on the table causing his sharp little teeth to go right through his tongue. I am normally a very calm person, blood however bothers me, I hate to admit but its true. Mike, on the other hand, is not even remotely phased by blood, which is a good thing obviously because then his choice of profession would be a bit strange. Anyway, Carter's mouth was full of blood and it wasn't stopping. To me it looked like his tongue was cut all the way from the middle to the side and hanging as if he has almost bit it off, of course this caused me to flip maybe a bit more. After closer examination once the blood had stopped we could see the tongue was still attached and he had only bit through it, and not almost bitten it off. He was a really brave and tough and cried a lot less then let's say I would of under his circumstance. The next day was probably the hardest because food and water irritated his sore and he is his mother's son and loves to eat, so he got pretty frustrated at times. Now it is healing nicely and he loves to show it off to people who want to look at it.

The pictures don't quite do it justice but here they are!

1 comment:

  1. That was a pretty good bite! Good thing mouths and little boys are so resilliant! And for the record, I have the same struggle with each pregnancy. I'm glad I am not the only one!
